What is fifteen for 2019?

A very good friend of mine told me about Gretchen Rubin's suggestion of striving to do 18 things to get done for 2018.  Because 19 for 2...

Saturday, January 19, 2019

What is fifteen for 2019?

A very good friend of mine told me about Gretchen Rubin's suggestion of striving to do 18 things to get done for 2018.  Because 19 for 2019 and 20 for 2020 started feeling overwhelming, her and her aunt decided on 15 for 2019.  Brilliantly, they used 15 letters to create 3 words "Health and Happy".  So they picked fifteen Healthy and Happy things to start doing/continue doing or strive to do in 2019.

Having never been a new year's resolution person but also embarking on a LOT of self development recently, I wanted to join in.  When I looked at my #6, (start another blog and post once/week), I thought what a great opportunity to write about my fifteen for 2019 AND check off #6!  (and honestly, when your days are filled with self help books and podcasts, what else do you really write about?).

So here goes....my 15 healthy and happy things I want to do for 2019.

1. make more food from scratch

2. eat at least 4 servings more of vegetables than I do now (thank you Gretchen Rubin - Better Than Before)

3. yoga and/or stretching 5 days/week

4. walk/bus/bike/car pool for leisure and errands as much as possible

5. play piano at least twice a month

6. start another blog and post once/week

7. do at least two races (cross country skiing, mountain bike, trail run)

8. do an overnight hike not with my husband

9. volunteer at least twice/month

10. learn a new skill

11. sew at least twice/month

12. start work at 8:30 am, end work at 3:00 pm consistently

13. follow Dan Pink's advice and schedule my day around my most alert/energetic times, creative times and less alert times

14. come home every 3 months for at least 4 days

15. develop a financial plan/budget and start saving money for retirement

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