Having never been a new year's resolution person but also embarking on a LOT of self development recently, I wanted to join in. When I looked at my #6, (start another blog and post once/week), I thought what a great opportunity to write about my fifteen for 2019 AND check off #6! (and honestly, when your days are filled with self help books and podcasts, what else do you really write about?).
So here goes....my 15 healthy and happy things I want to do for 2019.
1. make more food
from scratch
2. eat at least 4
servings more of vegetables than I do now (thank you Gretchen Rubin - Better Than Before)
3. yoga and/or stretching 5 days/week
4. walk/bus/bike/car pool for leisure and errands as much as possible
5. play piano at least twice a month
6. start another blog and post once/week
7. do at least two races (cross country skiing, mountain bike, trail run)
8. do an overnight hike not with my husband
9. volunteer at least twice/month
10. learn a new skill
11. sew at least twice/month
12. start work at 8:30 am, end work at 3:00 pm consistently
13. follow Dan Pink's advice and schedule my day around my most alert/energetic times, creative times and less alert times
14. come home every 3 months for at least 4 days
15. develop a financial plan/budget and start saving money for retirement
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